CACTVS Tcl Scripting Language Reference
The atom Command
The bond Command
The chemobj command
The connection Command
The dataset Command
The ens Command
The group Command
The mol Command
The molfile Command
The network Command
The pi Command
The reaction Command
The ring Command
The ringsystem Command
The sigma command
The surface command
The table Command
The vertex Command
Substructure Match Commands
Commands for Non-Chemical Objects
The cmdx Command
The dbx command
The dbase Command
The filex Command
The filter Command
The json command
The keyx Command
The prop Command
The repx Command
The report Command
The soap Command
The tablex Command
The typex Command
The ldap Module
The gdbm Module
The tc Module
The memcache Command Extension
The netcache Command Extension
The pubchem Command Extension
The stat Command Extension
Auxiliary Tcl Commands
Tcl Environment
Standard Filters
System Tables
SMILES and SMARTS dialects