The vertex command is used to access information about vertices in generic network objects (see
command). In many respects the behavior of vertex objects in networks is comparable to that of atoms in ensembles, and the commands for handling vertices are similarly structured.
Pseudo vertex labels first , last and random are special values, which select the first vertex in the vertex list, the last, or a random vertex.
The command node is an alias for vertex , allowing the use of a more standard nomenclature, but without the benefit of a matching prefix on the names of vertex properties. The prefix for vertex properties is V_ .
The following vertex commands are supported:
vertex append nhandle label property value ?property value?..
Standard data manipulation command for appending property data. It is explained in more detail in the section about setting property data.
vertex children nhandle label ?filterset? ?filtermode? ?sphere? ?allow_dups?
This is a variant of the
vertex neighbors
command, with the additionally applied constraint that all matching vertices must have a value of property
which is exactly higher by one than that of the originating vertex.
The command parameters are explained in the paragraph on command
vertex neighbors
vertex parents
command can be used to find parents instead of children.
vertex connections vhandle label ?filterset? ?filtermode?
Standard cross-referencing command to obtain the labels of the connections the vertex is participating in. This is explained in more detail in the section about object cross-references.
vertex connections $nh $v
vertex create nhandle ?property value?...
Create a new vertex in the existing network object. The new vertex is created without any connections or initial data except for its automatically assigned label.
An initial set of vertex properties can be set by the optional property/value arguments.
vertex defined nhandle label property
This command checks whether a property is defined for the vertex. This is explained in more detail in the section about property validity checking. Note that this is
a check for the presence of property data! The
network valid
command is used for this purpose.
vertex delete nhandle ?label?...
vertex delete nhandle all
Delete specific or all vertices and all connections a deleted vertex is participating in.
vertex dget nhandle label propertylist ?filterset? ?parameterlist?
Standard data manipulation command for reading object data. It is explained in more detail in the section about retrieving property data.
For examples, see the
vertex get
command. The difference between
vertex get
vertex dget
is that the latter does not attempt computation of property data, but rather initializes the property values to the default and return that default if the data is not yet available. For data already present,
vertex get
vertex dget
are equivalent.
vertex exists nhandle label ?filterlist?
Check whether this vertex exists. Optionally, a filter list can be supplied to check for the presence of specific features. The command returns 0 if the vertex does not exist, or fails the filter, and 1 in case of successful testing.
vertex exists $nh 99
vertex filter nhandle label filterlist
Check whether a vertex passes a filter list. The return value is 1 for success and 0 for failure.
filter create rootnode property V_LEVEL value 0 operator =
vertex filter $nh $v rootnode
vertex get nhandle label propertylist ?filterset? ?parameterlist?
Standard data manipulation command for reading object data. It is explained in more detail in the section about retrieving property data.
vertex get $nhandle 1 {V_LABEL V_IDENT}
yields the label and ID data of vertex 1 as a list. If the information is not yet available, an attempt is made to compute it. If the computation fails, an error results.
vertex get $nhandle 1 C_ONTOLOGY_LINK
gets the ontology link types of all connections the vertex participates in.
For the use of the optional property parameter list argument, refer to the documentation of the
ens get
Variants of the
vertex get
command are
vertex new, vertex dget, vertex nget, vertex show, vertex sqldget, vertex sqlget, vertex sqlnew
vertex sqlshow
vertex get $nhandle 1 V_ONTOLOGY_TERM(structurehash)
vertex index nhandle label
Get the index of the vertex. The index is the position in the vertex list of the network. The first position is index 0.
vertex index $nhandle 99
vertex neighbors nhandle label ?filterset? ?filtermode? ?sphere? ?allow_dups?
This command (which can also be invoked as subcommand
) is a cross-referencing command with some extra options and, in some filter modes, slightly different behavior than the standard object cross-reference subcommands.
In the simplest case, it returns the labels of the immediate neighbor vertices. A neighbor vertex is a vertex which is linked via a connection to the originating vertex. In case the filter list contains connection filters, the connection leading to the originating vertex must pass the check, not just any connection of the neighbor vertex.
filter create onto_isa property C_ONTOLOGY_LINK value is_a operator =
vertex neighbors $nhandle 1 onto_isa
returns a list of neighbor vertex labels which are linked via a connection which encodes an ontological “is a” definition. Neighbor vertices which participate in such a link with another vertex, but not the originating vertex, are not returned.
This command supports two special filtermode values in addition to the standard set ( exists, count, exclude, include ). The incoming mode only sees links where the originating or previous vertex is the last vertex in the vertex list of any passed connection. The outgoing mode only sees links where the originating or previous vertex is the first vertex in the vertex list of any passed connection.
vertex neighbors $nh $vlabel {} outgoing
only returns the links where the originating vertex is the first vertex in the connection linking the originating vertex to its neighbor. In applications where the connections are set up in a directional fashion, or example in networks representing an ontology with “is a” relationships, this mode allows the traversal of the network in the direction of increasingly generic terms.
By default vertices in the immediate neighborhood are examined, but this change be changed by the sphere parameter. The immediate neighbors are in sphere 1 (the default for this parameter), the next group of vertices is in sphere 2, and so on. If the sphere is not 1, the special filtering of connections is no longer active and the normal object substitution mechanism for cross referencing is used. When going beyond the first sphere, it is also possible that a vertex may be reached by multiple paths of the selected length. By default, these vertices are returned only once, but with the last optional parameter this behavior may be changed.
A positive sphere value only selects vertices in that sphere. A negative sphere parameter value returns a list of all neighbors up to and including the sphere identified by the absolute parameter value.
vertex neighbors $nh $vlabel {} outgoing -5
Above example reports the labels of all vertices of to a distance of 5 steps from the starting point which can be reached via outgoing directional connections.
vertex new nhandle label propertylist ?filterset? ?parameterlist?
Standard data manipulation command for reading object data. It is explained in more detail in the section about retrieving property data.
For examples, see the
vertex get
command. The difference between
vertex get
vertex new
is that the latter forces the re-computation of the property data, regardless whether it is present and valid, or not.
vertex nget nhandle label propertylist ?filterset? ?parameterlist?
Standard data manipulation command for reading object data. It is explained in more detail in the section about retrieving property data.
For examples, see the
vertex get
command. The difference between
vertex get
vertex nget
is that the latter always returns numeric data, even if symbolic names for the values are available.
vertex parents nhandle label ?filterset? ?filtermode? ?sphere? ?allow_dups?
This is a variant of the
vertex neighbors
command, with the additional automatically applied constraint that all matching vertices must have a value of property
which is exactly one less than that of the originating vertex.
While it would often be expected that there is only a single parent to a vertex, this is not a condition enforced in a generic network, and potentially multiple parents can be found and reported by this command. In any case, the command alias
vertex parent
in singular is also recognized.
The command parameters are explained in the paragraph on command
vertex neighbors.
vertex children
command can be used to find children instead of parents.
vertex paths nhandle startlabel destlabel ?parameters?
This command finds paths between a pair of vertices, traversing connections.
The return value of the command is a nested list, even it only a single path is found. Every sublist contains all the labels (if this is not overridden in the parameter dictionary) of the vertices in one path, including those of the start and end vertices. Every connection is used only once in any path, and no path crossings through a vertex are allowed. Every vertex, with the possible exception of path end points, appear only once in any single path. Paths from a vertex via some connections back to itself are allowed. The vertex must be a member of a cyclic connection for such paths to exist.
If the destination vertex is specified as an empty string, all possible paths emerging from the source vertex and not violating any other specified constraints are returned. This includes shorter sub-paths which are contained in a longer paths - these are reported as separate result items.
The optional parameter dictionary can be used to further customize the path walking and result reporting. The following dictionary keywords are recognized:
Equivalent to not setting any flag
must increase on each path node, but not necessarily in an uniform manner.
must decrease on each path node, but not necessarily in an uniform manner.
must be constant on path nodes
must be different from node to node. The same value may be encountered at multiple nodes, as long as these are not direct neighbors in the path.
Return path as concatenated string, not as list elements
Path connections must be traversed from first to second node in connection definition. This option is useful only if the connections have been set up in a directional fashion.
Path connections must be traversed from second to first node in connection definition. This option is useful only if the connections have been set up in a directional fashion.
Path connections must first be traversed in incoming or outgoing direction, and then in reverse direction to the target node. The point of inversion can be anywhere in the path, but there can only be one.
Only report the found paths of minimum length, and those that are the minimum length or less after the
parameter is subtracted, if one was specified. This flag bit is not identical to the parameter of the same name in the general parameter dictionary.
Only report the found paths of maximum length, and those that are the maximum length or more after the
parameter is added, if one was specified. This flag bit is not identical to the parameter of the same name in the general parameter dictionary.
Only report the terminal nodes of found paths, as simple list elements, not the complete path. In addition, reporting of terminal nodes which are contained in the full paths of longer matches are suppressed. The encounter check uses vertex identities, not the properties which are reported in the result. For example, if the result set consists of vertex labels 1-2, 1-2-3, and 1-2-4-5, the result is a list with elements 3 and 5.
vertex paths network0 $v1 $v2 \ [dict create property V_ONTOLOGY_TERM(id) flags outgoing]
This example returns all paths from network vertex v1 to v2 in outgoing direction. The reported path data is the value of field id of property V_ONTOLOGY_TERM on every vertex in the paths.
vertex set nhandle label property value ?property value?..
Standard data manipulation command. It is explained in more detail in the section about setting property data.
vertex set $nhandle 1 V_IDENT “V1294”
vertex show nhandle label propertylist ?filterset? ?parameterlist?
Standard data manipulation command for reading object data. It is explained in more detail in the section about retrieving property data.
For examples, see the
vertex get
command. The difference between
vertex get
vertex show
is that the latter does not attempt computation of property data, but raises an error if the data is not present and valid. For data already present,
vertex get
vertex show
are equivalent
vertex sqldget nhandle label propertylist ?filterset? ?parameterlist?
Standard data manipulation command for reading object data. It is explained in more detail in the section about retrieving property data.
For examples, see the
vertex get
command. The differences between v
ertex get
vertex sqldget
are that the latter does not attempt computation of property data, but initializes the property value to the default and returns that default, if the data is not present and valid; and that the
command variant formats the data as
values rather than for
script processing.
vertex sqlget nhandle label propertylist ?filterset? ?parameterlist?
Standard data manipulation command for reading object data. It is explained in more detail in the section about retrieving property data.
For examples, see the
vertex get
command. The difference between
vertex get
vertex sqlget
is that the
command variant formats the data as
values rather than for
script processing.
vertex sqlnew nhandle label propertylist ?filterset? ?parameterlist?
Standard data manipulation command for reading object data. It is explained in more detail in the section about retrieving property data.
For examples, see the
vertex get
command. The differences between
vertex get
vertex sqlnew
are that the latter forces re-computation of the property data, and that the
command variant formats the data as
values rather than for
script processing.
vertex sqlshow nhandle label propertylist ?filterset? ?parameterlist?
Standard data manipulation command for reading object data. It is explained in more detail in the section about retrieving property data.
For examples, see the
vertex get
command. The differences between
vertex get
vertex sqlshow
are that the latter does not attempt computation of property data, but raises an error if the data is not present and valid, and that the
command variant formats the data as
values rather than for
script processing.