Various operations on
directories are supported after loading the external
module. Only after loading the module, the
extension command is accessible.
package require Ldap
The next step is usually the establishment of a connection ( bind ) to a known LDAP server. In many cases credentials are required for a successful bind with a DN containing a user name. After a completed bind , a handle is returned. This handle can be used for further operations, such as information retrieval, until the connection is closed by an unbind command.
The general syntax of the
command follows the usual
command/subcommand/handle/ parameter
s syntax.
set lhandle [ldap bind $host $port $binddn $passwd]
ldap unbind $lhandle
The LDAP module currently only supports synchronous operations.
This is the list of subcommands:
ldap add ldhandle dn attribute_list
Add one or more attributes to an existing DN. Other than that the default mode is
, this command is identical to
ldap replace
ldap addrdn ldhandle dn newrdn
Add a new relative DN to an existing LDAP directory identified by the base DN.
ldap bind host ?port? ?bindDN? ?password?
ldap open host ?port? ?bindDN? ?password?
Open a connection to an LDAP server and return the connection handle. Only the host parameter is required. If no port is specified, or an empty string, the default LDAP port (389) is used. If no distinguished name for binding is supplied, or an empty string, an anonymous bind is attempted. If an access control password is required, it may be supplied as last parameter.
command alternative is simply an alias intended to provide the standard command nomenclature for opening connections or files.
set lh [ldap bind $host 389 “cn=mr_x,cn=users,dc=chemcodes,dc=com” $themagicword]
ldap delete ldhandle ?dn?...
This command deletes one or more DNs from the current LDAP server.
ldap get ldhandle attribute
Query status information about the LDAP connection. Currently, the following attributes can be queried:
set tl [ldap get $ldhandle timelimit]
ldap list ?pattern?
List all currently open LDAP connections. A list of the connection handles is returned Optionally, the handles, which are of the form ldap%d , may be filtered by a string pattern.
ldap list
ldap replace ldhandle dn attribute_list
This command can be used to add, replace or delete one or more attributes of a DN. The attribute list is a standard Tcl list, where each attribute is a list element. The list elements must be of the form attribute=value , or simply attribute for deletions. Optionally, they may be prefixed by one of the characters “+” (add attribute), “=” (replace attribute, or create new if not existing), and “-” (delete attribute). The implicit default is “=”. It is possible to add multiple instances of attributes, such as a set of e-mail addresses in the form
set alist [list “” “”]
ldap add
command is a variant of this command - the only difference is that the default modification mode is
instead of
, corresponding to am implicit “+” prefix instead of “=”.
ldap replace $ldhandle “cn=wdi,cn=users,dc=chemcodes,dc=com” \ “”
ldap replacerdn ldhandle dn newrdn
Replace a DN in an LDAP directory. The old DN is deleted, and replaced by the new DN, which may be specified relative to the old.
ldap search ldhandle baseDN ?scope? ?getdn? ?filter? ?attributelist?
Query an LDAP server for information. Besides an active LDAP connection, the minimal argument set is only the base DB, the root from where the query should start on the connected server.
The optional scope argument may be default or an empty string (the default setting), base (search only the base object), one or level (search one level of sub-objects), or subtree (can be shortened to sub , search all sub-objects of the base object).
The getdn parameter is a boolean flag. If it is set, the first element of each response sublist is the DN of the entry. By default, only the attribute data is returned.
The filter parameter is a standard LDAP filter, which can be used to select subsets of directory entries. An empty string in this position, or omitting the parameter, disables filtering.
Finally, the last parameter is the set of attributes which should be returned. If it is omitted, or an empty string, all attributes of each matched entry are returned. If a requested attribute is not present in a matching record, it is silently omitted from the result list.
If no errors occurred, the result is a triply nested list. The outermost list contains one element for each entry. If a maximum number of responses was set to a positive value (
configuration parameter, see
ldap set
command), the maximum number of list elements is defined by this parameter. Each outer list element is itself a list. The middle lists contain one element for each returned attribute. Each of these is formatted as another sublist with
list elements. The attributes are returned in the order they were specified, provided that they are found in the returned set. If requested attributes are not present, they are silently omitted from the result list.
The command currently does support the retrieval of binary data.
ldap search $ldhandle “cn=users,dc=chemcodes,dc=com” one 0 {} [list mail phone]
returns a nested list of addresses, in the format
{{mail user1@addr1} {phone xxx-100}} {{mail user2@addr2} {phone xxx-105}}...
if both the mail and phone attributes are present.
The retrieval of the e-mail address of user wdi may be achieved either by using a filter, or a more specific DN:
ldap search $ldhandle “cn=users,dc=chemcodes,dc=com” one 0 cn=wdi “mail phone”
ldap search $ldhandle “cn=wdi,cn=users,dc=chemcodes,dc=com” one 0 {} “mail phone”
The filter argument1 is a string representation of the filter to apply in the search. Simple filters can be specified as attributetype=attributevalue. More complex filters are specified using a prefix notation according to the following BNF :
<filter> ::= '(' <filtercomp> ')' <filtercomp> ::= <and> | <or> | <not> | <simple><and> ::= '&' <filterlist><or> ::= '|' <filterlist><not> ::= '!' <filter><filterlist> ::= <filter> | <filter> <filterlist><simple> ::= <attributetype> <filtertype> <attributevalue><filtertype> ::= '=' | '~=' | '<=' | '>='
The '~=' construct is used to specify approximate matching. The representation for
are as described in RFC 2254. In addition,
can be a single * to achieve an attribute existence test, or can contain text and *'s interspersed to achieve substring matching.
For example, the filter "mail=*" finds any entries that have a mail attribute. The filter "mail=*" will find any entries that have a mail attribute ending in the specified string. To put parentheses in a filter, escape them with a backslash '\' character. See RFC 2254 for a more complete description of allowable filters.
ldap set ldhandle attribute value ?attribute value?...
Set one or more attributes for an LDAP connection. Currently, the following attributes can be set:
ldap set $ldhandle sizelimit 5 timelimit 500
ldap unbind ldhandle ?ldhandle?...
ldap close ldhandle ?ldhandle?...
ldap unbind all
ldap close all
The first variant unbinds or closes (these are equivalent commands) a specific set if LDAP connections. All resources associated with the connection are freed, and the handles invalidated. However, they may later be reassigned to new connections.
The second alternative closes all currently opened LDAP connections.
The command returns the number of closed connections.
ldap close all
ldap verify ldhandle bindDN password
ldap verify host port bindDN password
Perform a basic (
) user/access verification. The first variant uses an existing handle and attempts to re-bind it with a different distinguished bind name. The connection remains bound to the new address and DN.
The second variant temporarily creates a new
connection and attempts to bind. The parameters have the same meaning as in the
ldap bind
command. The status is saved and then the connection is immediately closed. No persistent
object is created.
This command returns 1 for a successful bind, and 0 for failure.
ldap verify $host ““ “dn=wdi,dn=users,dc=chemcodes,dc=com” $mypwd