command is the generic command used to manipulate molecules. The syntax of this command follows the standard schema of
command supports, in addition to the normal label decoding process, the magic value
as molecule label. The primary molecule is determined, in this order, by the maximum value of properties
. When there is more than one molecule where all properties are top-rated, the first molecule of these in the molecule list is chosen. An empty ensemble has no primary molecule. The pseudo molecule labels
are additional special values, which select the first molecule in the molecule list, the last, or a random molecule.
mol get $ehandle 1 M_WEIGHT
mol delete $ehandle 2
mol dup $ehandle primary
set pmol_label [mol mol $ehandle primary]
This is the list of officially supported subcommands:
mol append ehandle label property value ?property value?..
Standard data manipulation command for appending property data. It is explained in more detail in the section about setting property data.
mol append $ehandle 1 M_NAME “_linker”
mol align3d ehandle label box/center/masscenter/pmi ?usehydrogens?
Modify fragment atom coordinates in property
. The arguments are the same as for the
ens align3d
command, except that only the selected fragment is processed.
mol atoms ehandle label ?filterset? ?filtermode?
Standard cross-referencing command to obtain the labels of the atom in the molecule. This is explained in more detail in the section about object cross-references.
mol atoms $ehandle !hydrogen
returns the labels of the non-hydrogen atoms in the molecule.
mol bonds ehandle label ?filterset? ?filtermode?
Standard cross-referencing command to obtain the labels of the bonds the molecule contains. This is explained in more detail in the section about object cross-references. Bonds which cross into other molecules are not listed. Such bonds may exist if they are not of a bond type which is used to group atoms into molecules.
mol bonds $ehandle 1
mol bonds $ehandle 1 {1 doublebond triplebond} count
The first example returns all labels of the bonds molecule 1 contains. The second example returns the number of double or triple bonds in the molecule.
mol defined ehandle label property
This command checks whether a property is defined for the molecule. This is explained in more detail in the section about property validity checking. Note that this is
a check for the presence of property data! The
ens valid
command is used for this purpose.
mol defined $ehandle 1 M_NAME
checks whether molecule 1 is of a type for which M_NAME is defined.
mol delete ehandle ?abel?...
mol delete ehandle all
Delete molecules from the ensemble. All minor objects on the same ensemble which contain atoms from the deleted molecules, such as rings, groups and ring systems, are also deleted. However, these minor object sets are not completely destroyed and property data on the remaining objects remains valid, if those properties are not invalidated by merge events.
Deleting a molecule triggers a merge invalidation event, but not atomchange/bondchange events. Property data which is susceptible to this invalidation mode is recursively deleted from the ensemble.
The special label
deletes all molecules in the ensemble. Usually this is equivalent to
ens clear
, but in theory there may exist atom-class objects which are not part of a molecule, and these are then retained.
The command returns the number of deleted molecules.
mol delete $ehandle 1
mol dget ehandle label propertylist ?filterset? ?parameterlist?
Standard data manipulation command for reading object data. It is explained in more detail in the section about retrieving property data.
For examples, see the
mol get
command. The difference between
mol get
mol dget
is that the latter does not attempt computation of property data, but rather initializes the property values to the default and return that default if the data is not yet available. For data already present,
mol get
mol dget
are equivalent.
mol dup ehandle label ?datasethandle? ?position?
Duplicate a single molecule into a new ensemble. The function returns the new ensemble handle.
By default, the new ensemble is appended to the same dataset as the original ensemble, or placed outside of any dataset if the input ensemble was not a dataset member. If the optional dataset handle parameter is specified, the duplicate is directly moved to that dataset. If an empty string is passed, the duplicate is not made a dataset member, even if the input ensemble is in a dataset.
The new ensemble preserves ring information and associated property data and other minor object data from the original ensemble for all minor objects which exclusively refer to atoms which are part of the duplicated molecule. Minor objects outside the duplicated molecule, or spanning multiple molecules are not duplicated.
mol dup $ehandle 1 [dataset create]
Duplicate the molecule with label one and move the new single-molecule ensemble into a newly created dataset.
mol exists ehandle label ?filterlist?
Check whether this molecule exists. Optionally, a filter list can be supplied to check for the presence of specific features. The command returns 0 if the molecule does not exist, or fails the filter, and 1 in case of successful testing.
mol exists $ehandle 99
mol expand ehandle label ?allowambigous? ?noimplicith?
This command expands all superatoms in the molecule. The mechanisms for the expansion of superatoms are described in detail for the
atom expand
command. This command is functionally equivalent, working on all atoms in the molecule instead a single atom.
mol expand $ehandle 1
The command returns the total number of successfully expanded atoms.
mol expr ehandle label expression
Compute a standard SQL -style property expression for the molecule. This is explained in detail in the chapter on property expressions.
mol fill ehandle label property value ?property value?...
Standard data manipulation command for setting data, ignoring possible mismatches between the lengths of the lists of objects associated with the property and the value list. It is explained in more detail in the section about setting property data.
mol fill $ehandle 1 B_COLOR red
sets the color of the first bond molecule 1 contains to red.
mol filter ehandle label filterlist
Check whether a molecule passes a filter list. The return value is 1 for success and 0 for failure.
mol filter $ehandle 1 [list carbon doublebond]
checks whether the molecule contains one or more carbon atoms and one or more double bonds. The double bond does not need to be with a carbon atom.
mol get ehandle label propertylist ?filterset? ?parameterlist?
Standard data manipulation command for reading object data. It is explained in more detail in the section about retrieving property data.
mol get $ehandle 1 {M_WEIGHT A_ELEMENT}
yields a list with two elements, consisting of the molecular weight as the first element and the element numbers of all atoms in the molecule as a nested list as the second result list element. If the information is not yet available, an attempt is made to compute it. If the computation fails, an error results.
mol get $ehandle 1 B_ORDER ringbond
gives the bond orders of all bonds of the molecule which are ring bonds.
For the use of the optional property parameter list argument, refer to the documentation of the ens get command.
Variants of the mol get command are
mol new
mol dget, mol show, mol sqldget, mol sqlget, mol sqlnew
mol sqlshow
mol get $ehandle 1 E_NAME
mol get $ehandle 1 A_FLAGS(boxed)
mol groups ehandle label ?filterset? ?filtermode?
Standard cross-referencing command to obtain the labels of the groups the molecule contains. This is explained in more detail in the section about object cross-references. Groups which contain atoms from more than one molecule are included.
mol groups $ehandle 1
mol hadd ehandle label ?filterset? ?flags?
Add a standard set of hydrogens to the molecule. If the filterset parameter is specified, only those atoms which pass the filter set are processed.
Additional operation flags may be activated by setting the flags parameter to a list of flag names, or a numerical value representing the bit-ored values of the selected flags. By default, the flag set is empty, corresponding to the use of an empty string or none as parameter value. These flags are currently supported:
atom hadd
Adding hydrogens with this command, except if the
flag is set, is less destructive to the property data set of the ensemble than adding them with individual
atom create/bond create
commands, because many properties are designed to be indifferent to explicit hydrogen status changes, but are invalidated if the structure is changed in other ways.
The command returns the number of hydrogens which were added.
set ehandle [ens create {[C].[C]}]
mol hadd $ehandle 1
adds four hydrogens to the first carbon atom, transforming it into methane, but leave the second carbon atom untouched.
mol hdup ehandle label ?datasethandle? ?position?
This command provides the same functionality as
mol dup
, except that it also adds a standard set of hydrogens to the new ensemble.
mol hstrip ehandle label ?flags?
This command removes hydrogens from the selected molecule. By default, all hydrogen atoms in the molecule are removed.
The flags parameter can be used to make the operation more selective. It may be a list of the following flags:
atom hstrip
command.If the flags parameter is an empty string, or none , it is ignored. The default flag value is wedgetransfer - but the default value is overridden if any flags are set!
Hydrogen stripping is not as disruptive to the ensemble data content as normal atom deletion, except when the deprotonate flag is set. The system assumes that this operation is done as part of some file output or visualization preparation. However, if any new data is computed after stripping, the computation functions see the stripped structure, and proceed to work on that reduced structure without knowledge that the structure may contain implicit hydrogens.
The return value of the command is the number of hydrogens removed.
mol hstrip $ehandle 1 [list keeporiginal wedgetransfer]
mol image ehandle label ?width? ?height? ?options?
This command generates a Tk image object displaying the molecule as an icon. The command is only available in toolkit variants which are linked with the portable Tk GUI toolkit library and which are either statically linked with the GD image drawing library, or can load it dynamically.
The default image size is 64x64 pixels, but this may be overridden by the width and height parameters. If only width is set, it is also used for the height. The command returns a Tk image handle. These images may for example be placed on Tk canvases as canvas objects, or used on buttons and other GUI objects.
Because of the small size of the images, atoms are not displayed as symbols, but small color-coded squares. This is a command for the implementation of graphical structure-handling applications with icons. For serious structure visualization, use the E_GIF , E_EMF_IMAGE or E_EPS_IMAGE properties.
Additional options may be added by an arbitrary sequence of option/value pairs. Color names can be those registered in the X11 color database, or a numeric specification in the #rrggbb format. These options are currently supported:
Images are cached. If an image for the selected molecule with the same display attributes exists, it is reused.
set img [mol image $ehandle 1 80 80 -border yellow -linecolor blue]
canvas create .canvaswin image 50 50 -image $img
mol index ehandle label
Get the index of the molecule. The index is the position in the molecule list of the ensemble. The first position is index 0.
mol index $ehandle 99
mol local ehandle label propertylist ?filterset? ?parameters?
Standard data manipulation command for reading and recalculating object data. It is explained in more detail in the section about retrieving property data.
mol local $ehandle 1 A_LABEL_STEREO
Note that very few computation routines currently support the local re-computation of data - in most cases, this command falls back to a global re-computation.
mol match ehandle label ss_ehandle ?ss_label? ?matchflags? ?ignoreflags? ?atommapvar? ?bondmapvar? ?molmapvar?
Check whether the selected molecule matches a substructure. Only the first molecule, or the molecule selected by the substructure label parameter, is tested. The substructure may be part of any structure ensemble, and even be in the same ensemble as the primary command molecule. Both the atoms in the molecule and the bonds between them are checked.
The precise operation of the substructure match routine can be tuned by providing a standard set of match flags and feature ignore flags. The default match flag set has set bits for the
comparison features, and an empty ignore set. If a flag set is specified as an empty string, the default set is used. In order to reset a flag set, an explicit
value must be used. The bit options of the match flag are explained in the documentation of the
match ss
The command returns 1 for a successful match, 0 otherwise. If an optional atom, bond, or molecule map variable is specified, it is set to a nested list of matching substructure/structure atom, bond or molecule labels. If no match can be found, the variable is set to an empty list. In case only a bond or molecule map variable is needed, an empty string can be used to skip the unused map variable argument positions.
set ss [ens create {c1ccccc1.c1ncccc1} smarts]
set m_contains_phenylring [mol match $ehandle $label $ss 1]
mol mol ehandle label
Standard cross-referencing command to obtain the label of the molecule as stored in property M_LABEL . This is explained in more detail in the section about object cross-references.
mol mol $ehandle #0
returns the label of the first molecule of the ensemble molecule list.
mol new ehandle label propertylist ?filterset? ?parameterlist?
Standard data manipulation command for reading object data. It is explained in more detail in the section about retrieving property data.
For examples, see the
mol get
command. The difference between
mol get
mol new
is that the latter forces the re-computation of the property data, regardless whether it is present and valid, or not.
mol nget ehandle label propertylist ?filterset? ?parameterlist?
Standard data manipulation command for reading object data. It is explained in more detail in the section about retrieving property data.
For examples, see the
mol get
command. The difference between
mol get
mol nget
is that the latter always returns numeric data, even if symbolic names for the values are available.
mol pis ehandle label ?filterset? ?filtermode?
Standard cross-referencing command to obtain the labels of the π systems the molecule contains. This is explained in more detail in the section about object cross-references.
mol pis $ehandle 1
π systems are a rather exotic feature and not commonly used. These are essentially descriptions of bonding interactions which use p or d orbitals, such as in standard covalent multiple bonds. A simple double bond is described with one σ system and one π system in this representation.
mol replicate ehandle label ?count?
Add duplicates of the selected molecule to the command ensemble. The default number of duplicates is one, but any other number may be requested by setting the count parameter. If the count is less than one, the command is silently ignored.
The command returns the labels of all newly created molecules as a list. New molecule labels begin at one plus the highest old label. All atoms, bonds and other chemistry objects which are created by the command are appended to the object lists in the ensemble and will thus bear higher labels than any existing label of their class in the ensemble. This command triggers a merge property invalidation event.
mol dup
command duplicates a molecule into a new ensemble, which is quite different from what this command does.
set eh [ens create C.CC]
mol dup $eh 1 2
echo [ens get $eh E_SMILES]
returns C.CC.C.C, because the first molecule (label one) was duplicated twice.
mol rings ehandle label ?filterset? ?filtermode?
Standard cross-referencing command to obtain the labels of the rings the molecule contains. This is explained in more detail in the section about object cross-references. Rings which are not restricted to the selected molecule are listed. Under certain circumstances, it is possible to have rings which span more than one molecule.
mol rings $ehandle 1
mol rings $ehandle 1 [list heterocycle aroring]
The first example returns the labels of all rings the molecule contains. If the molecule does not contain any rings, an empty list is returned. Only labels of rings in the SSSR or ESSSR set are returned, even if the currently computed ring set is larger. The second example filters the rings - only heteroaromatic rings are reported.
mol ringsystems ehandle label ?filterset? ?filtermode?
Standard cross-referencing command to obtain the labels of the ring systems the molecule contains. This is explained in more detail in the section about object cross-references. Ring systems which are not restricted to the selected molecule are listed. Under certain circumstances, it is possible to have ring systems which span more than one molecule.
mol ringsystems $ehandle 1
mol ringsystems $ehandle 1 [list heterocycle aroring]
The first example returns the labels of all ring systems the molecule contains. If the molecule does not contain any ring systems, an empty list is returned. The second example filters the ring systems - a ring system label is included in the output list only if that ring system contains one or more hetero aromats.
mol rotate ehandle label angle axis ?center?
Rotate the molecule in 3D space on property
. This command requires 3D atomic coordinates. If these are not yet present, an attempt is made to compute them. The rotation angle is specified in degrees. The first point is the axis vector - it can be specified in any format the
command understands. By default the center of rotation is the center of the molecule bounding box, but by providing explicit center coordinates, any center of rotation can be set.
This command triggers a 3Dop property invalidation event.
mol rotate $ehandle 1 50 {1 1 0}
rotates the molecule around its center 50 degrees counter-clockwise along the 45-degrees xy-diagonal.
mol set ehandle label property value ?property value?..
Standard data manipulation command for setting property data. It is explained in more detail in the section about setting property data.
mol set $ehandle 1 M_NAME “Pharmacon X-25”
mol show ehandle label propertylist ?filterset?
Standard data manipulation command for reading object data. It is explained in more detail in the section about retrieving property data.
For examples, see the
mol get
command. The difference between
mol get
mol show
is that the latter does not attempt computation of property data, but raises an error if the data is not present and valid. For data already present,
mol get
mol show
are equivalent.
mol sigmas ehandle label ?filterset? ?filtermode?
Standard cross-referencing command to obtain the labels of the σ systems the molecule contains. This is explained in more detail in the section about object cross-references.
mol sigmas $ehandle 1
σ systems are a rather exotic feature and not commonly used. These are essentially descriptions of bonding interactions which use s orbitals, such as normal, covalent single bonds, or the central bond in multiple bonds. A simple double bond is described with one σ system and one π system in this representation.
mol sqldget ehandle label propertylist ?filterset? ?parameterlist?
Standard data manipulation command for reading object data. It is explained in more detail in the section about retrieving property data.
For examples, see the
mol get
command. The differences between
mol get
mol sqldget
are that the latter does not attempt computation of property data, but initializes the property value to the default and returns that default, if the data is not present and valid; and that the
command variant formats the data as
values rather than for
script processing.
mol sqlget ehandle label propertylist ?filterset? ?parameterlist?
Standard data manipulation command for reading object data. It is explained in more detail in the section about retrieving property data.
For examples, see the
mol get
command. The difference between
mol get
mol sqlget
is that the
command variant formats the data as
values rather than for
script processing.
mol sqlnew ehandle label propertylist ?filterset? ?parameterlist?
Standard data manipulation command for reading object data. It is explained in more detail in the section about retrieving property data.
For examples, see the
mol get
command. The differences between
mol get
mol sqlnew
are that the latter forces re-computation of the property data, and that the
command variant formats the data as
values rather than for
script processing.
mol sqlshow ehandle label propertylist ?filterset?
Standard data manipulation command for reading object data. It is explained in more detail in the section about retrieving property data.
For examples, see the
mol get
command. The differences between
mol get
mol sqlshow
are that the latter does not attempt computation of property data, but raises an error if the data is not present and valid, and that the
command variant formats the data as
values rather than for
script processing.
mol subcommands
Lists all subcommands of the mol command. Note that this command does not require an ensemble handle, or a label.
mol surfaces ehandle label ?filterset? ?filtermode?
Standard cross-referencing command to obtain the labels of surface patches the molecule is associated with. This is explained in more detail in the section about object cross-references.
mol surfaces $ehandle $label
Note that surface patches are not required to be associated with any atom, and if they are not, they are implicitly not associated with any molecule.
mol translate ehandle label pt1 ?pt2?
Move a molecule in 3D space. This command requires atomic 3D coordinates in property A_XYZ and will attempt to compute them if they are not yet present. If no 3D atomic coordinates can be generated, the command fails with an error.
The movement vector may either be specified by a single vector, or two points. If two points are used, the subtraction of the second point from the first is used to compute the movement vector. Both point/vector arguments understand the same vector notation syntax as the
This command triggers a 3Dglop property invalidation event.
mol translate $ehandle 1 {1 0 0} {2 0 0}
mol valencecheck ehandle label ?failedatomvariable?
Perform a valence check on the molecule, comparing the current bonding situation at all atoms to the list of element-specific valence states in the system element table. This command is intentionally quite picky, discouraging for example the use of pentavalent nitrogen. For the calculation of valence, only bonds of type normal are taken into account. Complex bonds and pseudo bond types thus do not interfere in the calculation. Some more exotic metal atoms with many different valence states, or few well-defined covalent compounds, such as vanadium or rhodium , always pass.
The return value of this command is the number of atoms which failed the valence check. If the optional parameter failedatomvariable is specified, it is the name of a variable which is set to a list of the atom labels which did fail, or is set to an empty list in case no problems were found.
Note that this command assumes that all hydrogen atoms are in place. Checking ensembles with implicit hydrogen atoms is not supported.
mol valencecheck [ens create {CN(=O)=O.C[N+](=O)[O-]}] 1 badatoms
mol valencecheck [ens create {CN(=O)=O.C[N+](=O)[O-]}] 2 badatoms
These sample commands check the valence situation of nitromethane in two encoding formats. The first molecule, using a pentavalent nitrogen encoding, returns 1, indicating one failed atom, and the variable badatoms is set to 2, the label of the pentavalent nitrogen. The second molecule, checked with the line below, passes without problems, with a return value of 0 and an empty badatoms variable.