Cactvs Toolkit Structure and Reaction I/O Module Summary

ShortName ShortNameAliases FullName Description DefaultSuffixes CapabilityFlags ModuleFunctions MimeType Module
441 441 441 Toyohashi university 441 modelling software file 441, 2D canstore3d, stringoutput, canstoreensemble, hydrogenfilter skip, read, write, detect chemical/x-441
aa1 aa1 aa pln AA1 Text file with 1-letter amino acid sequences aa1, aa, pln stringoutput, canstoreensemble, canstorebiologics skip, read, write, detect chemical/x-aa1
aa3 aa3 condensed AA3 Text file with 3-letter amino acid sequences aa3, condensed stringoutput, canstoreensemble, canstorebiologics skip, read, write, detect chemical/x-aa3
alchemy alchemy alc Alchemy ALCHEMY mol file alc need3d, canstore3d, stringoutput, canstoreensemble, hydrogenfilter skip, read, write, detect chemistry/x-alchemy
asn asn asn1 ber asnb asnbinary PubChem ASN/Binary PubChem binary ASN.1 PCSubstance/PCCompound file asn, asn1, ber, asnb binary, stringoutput, canstoreensemble, blobinput skip, read, write, detect, close, init chemical/x-ncbi-asn1-binary
asnt asnt asntext PubChem ASN/Text PubChem ASCII-encoded ASN.1 PCSubstance/PCCompound file asnt stringoutput, canstoreensemble skip, read, write, detect, close, init chemical/x-ncbi-asn1
bdb bdb BDB CACTVS BDB-based, query-optimized structure and reaction database file bdb, cdb nommap, canstore3d, canstorereaction, binary, fullindex, kekule, nosequence, dynamicindex, keepindex, keepopenondelete, canstoreensemble, noemptyinput, complexfields skip, read, write, detect, close, init, module, delete, update, setfields, position, find, prepare chemical/x-bdb
bxml bxml beilsteinxml Beilstein XML Beilstein XML File (incomplete implementation) bxml canstoreensemble skip, read, write, detect, close, init chemical/x-beilstein
car car biosyma bsa biosym CAR CAR Biosym format car, bsa, bio need3d, canstore3d, stringoutput, canstoreensemble, hydrogenfilter skip, read, write, detect chemical/x-car
cas cas CAS Text file with ACS CAS numbers, dynamically resolved on input cas stringoutput, canstoreensemble skip, read, write, detect, close, init chemical/x-acs-cas
cbin cbin cactvs/bin binary cactvs/binary Cactvs/Binary CACTVS native binary format, the recommended format for lossless storage of structure, reaction or dataset data cbin, bin nommap, canstore3d, canstorereaction, binary, kekule, canstoredataset, stringoutput, canstoretables, canstoreensemble skip, read, write, detect chemical/x-cactvs-binary (builtin)
cbs cbs cbase cscan cquery cactvs/base cactvs/scan cactvs/query Cactvs/Queryfile CACTVS query-optimized file for structures and reactions cbase, cbs, cscan nommap, canstore3d, canstorereaction, binary, writelock, fullindex, kekule, nosequence, dynamicindex, togglebyreopen, canstoreensemble, complexfields skip, read, write, detect, close, init, reorganize, delete, update, setfields, position, find, setstatus chemical/x-cactvs-scan (builtin)
cda cda sqlite db CDA CDA dataset archive db, sqlite, cda nommap, canstorereaction, binary, fullindex, nostream, canstoredataset, nosequence, dynamicindex, keepindex, keepopenondelete, noeofcheck, canstoreensemble, defaultscope_ens, noemptyinput skip, read, write, detect, close, init, position chemical/x-cactvs-dataset-archive
cdx cdx chemdraw CDX CambridgeSoft ChemDraw binary CDX file cdx nommap, canstorereaction, binary, singlerecord, fullindex, togglebyreopen, stringoutput, noeofcheck, canstoreensemble, hydrogenfilter skip, read, write, detect, close, init chemical/x-cdx
cdxml cdxml CDXML CambridgeSoft ChemDraw CDXML text file cdxml nommap, canstorereaction, singlerecord, fullindex, togglebyreopen, stringoutput, noeofcheck, canstoreensemble, hydrogenfilter skip, read, write, detect, close, init chemical/x-cdxml
cerius cerius Cerius Cerius II file format msi, cer need3d, canstore3d, canstoreensemble skip, read, write, detect chemical/x-cerius
chai chai Chai Data exchange format of the Discovery Innovation CHAI software chai, xml canstoredataset, stringoutput, canstoreensemble skip, read, write, detect, close, init chemical/x-chai
charmm charmm charm chm card crd CHARMM CHARMM modelling software CARD file crd, card, chm nocharge, need3d, canstore3d, stringoutput, canstoreensemble, hydrogenfilter skip, read, write, detect chemical/x-charmm
chembl chembl ChEMBL ChEMBL XML Output chembl singlerecord, canstoreensemble skip, read, write, detect application/xml
chemwin chemwin chemwindow cw2 cw CHEMWIN ChemWindow CW2 file format cw2 nommap, canstorereaction, binary, singlerecord, canstoreensemble skip, detect chemical/x-chemwindow-cw2
chiron chiron cif Chiron Cif Structure file of the CHIRON synthesis planning software cif canstoreensemble skip, read, write, detect chemical/x-chiron-cif
cid cid CID Text file with PubChem CID identifiers, dynamically resolved on input cid stringoutput, canstoreensemble, supportsinputcache, blobinput skip, read, write, detect, close, init chemical/x-pubchem-cid
cif cif Crystallographic CIF Crystallographic Information File cif stringoutput, canstoreensemble skip, read, write, detect chemical/x-crystallographic-cif
cmf cmf chime cmol CMF MDL Chime compressed molfile (unencrypted variant) cmf, cmol, chime firstblank, canstore3d, canfixdoublespace, stringoutput, canstoreensemble skip, read, write, detect chemical/x-chime-compressed-molfile
cml cml CML CML (Chemical Markup Language) format xml, cml canstore3d, canstorereaction, markprops, cansplitens, stringoutput, canstoreensemble, defaultscope_auto skip, read, write, detect, close, init chemical/x-cml
cml cml CML CML (Chemical Markup Language) format xml, cml canstore3d, canstorereaction, markprops, cansplitens, stringoutput, canstoreensemble, defaultscope_auto skip, read, write, detect, close, init chemical/x-cml
compass compass Compass Toyohashi university COMPASS modelling software file cpa, com firstblank, need3d, canstore3d, canstoreensemble skip, read, write, detect chemical/x-compass
cosmo cosmo cos COSMO File format of the COSMO software cosmo, cos nocharge, singlerecord, canstoreensemble skip, read, detect chemical/x-cosmo
cpacked cpacked cpc serialized Cactvs/Serialized Packed CACTVS serialized objects cpc canstore3d, kekule, stringoutput, canstoreensemble skip, read, write, detect chemical/x-cactvs-packed
ctx ctx CTX CTX file format (EROS, CORINA and other Gasteiger group applications) ctx canstore3d, canstorereaction, kekule, canstoreensemble skip, read, write, detect chemical/x-ctx
dropbox dropbox Dropbox file Meta file wrapper for direct access to structure and reaction files stored in a DropBox account nommap, canstorereaction, binary, canstoredataset, togglebyreopen, canstoreensemble, defaultscope_auto, canstorenetwork, storewithoutfp, iswrapper, canstorehierarchy, canstorebiologics skip, write, close, init, module, magicname application/dropbox
emf emf emfimage EMF Image Microsoft Windows EMF rendering, potentially with embedded structure data emf, wmf nommap, canstorereaction, binary, singlerecord, stringoutput, canstoreensemble, defaultscope_auto, hydrogenfilter skip, read, write, detect image/x-emf
emolecules emolecules emol EMolecules Text file with EMOLECULES IDs, dynamically resolved on input emolecules, emol stringoutput, canstoreensemble skip, read, write, detect chemical/x-emolecules
fps fps fps Dalke fingerprint exchange format fps stringoutput skip, read, write, detect chemical/x-dalke-fps
gausscube gausscube gaussiancube cube cub Gaussian/Cube GAUSSIAN software Cube file cub nocharge, singlerecord, canstoreensemble skip, read, write, detect chemical/x-gaussian-cube
gaussian/archive gaussian/archive gaussarc garc arc Gaussian/Archive GAUSSIAN software archive file garc, arc need3d, canstore3d, canstoreensemble skip, read, detect chemical/x-gaussian-archive
gaussian/output gaussian/output gaussout gaussianout gout out Gaussian/Output GAUSSSIAN software output file out, gout nocharge, need3d, canstoreensemble skip, read, detect chemical/x-gaussian-output
gif gif bmp GIF Image GIF image file, potentially with embededded structure data gif, bmp nommap, canstorereaction, binary, singlerecord, stringoutput, noeofcheck, canstoreensemble, hydrogenfilter skip, read, write, detect, close, init image/gif
gjf gjf gaussin gaussianinput gaussian/input gau gaussian gauss gin Gaussian/Input Input file for the GAUSSIAN software gin, gau, gjf need3d, canstore3d, stringoutput, canstoreensemble, canstorenullrecord skip, read, write, detect chemical/x-gaussian-input
gpr gpr ghemical Ghemical File format of the Ghemical program gpr nocharge, need3d, singlerecord, stringoutput, canstoreensemble, hydrogenfilter skip, read, write, detect application/x-ghemical
gromacs gromacs gro GROMACS File format of the GROMACS program gro nocharge, need3d, singlerecord, canstoreensemble skip, read, write, detect chemical/x-gromacs
hitlist hitlist cactvs/hitlist Hitlist Hitlist file storing a matched structure or reaction subset of another file hit canstorereaction, canstoredataset, stringoutput, canstoreensemble, isreference, canstorehierarchy skip, read, write, detect, close chemical/x-cactvs-hitlist (builtin)
hyperchem hyperchem hin Hyperchem File format of the Hyperchem software hin need3d, canstore3d, singlerecord, cansplitens, canstoreensemble skip, read, write, detect chemical/x-hyperchem
iff iff vega riff IFF File format of the VEGA modelling system iff nommap, canstore3d, binary, singlerecord, stringoutput, canstoreensemble skip, read, write, detect chemical/x-iff
inchi inchi ichi inc ich InChI IUPAC InChI file format ich, inchi, inc stringoutput, canstoreensemble skip, read, write, detect chemical/x-inchi
index index idx cactvs/index Index Index file storing record identifiers referencing another file idx nommap, canstorereaction, canstoredataset, togglebyreopen, stringoutput, canstoreensemble, canstorenetwork, isreference, canstorehierarchy, canstorebiologics write, detect application/x-index (builtin)
jcamp jcamp jcp jca jcm jdx jcamp-dx jcamp-cs JCAMP JCAMP spectroscopy data exchange format jcp, jca, dx, jdx, cs canstore3d, canstoreensemble skip, read, write, detect chemical/x-jcamp-dx
jme jme JME JME strings text file, as used by the JME/JSME structure editor jme nocharge, canstorereaction, stringoutput, canstoreensemble skip, read, write, detect chemical/x-jme
jpg jpg jpeg jpgimage JPG Image JPG structure rendering, potentiallly with embedded structure data jpg, jpeg nommap, binary, singlerecord, canstoreensemble skip, read, detect, close, init image/jpg
kcf kcf kegg KCF Native KEGG database structure file kcf singlerecord, stringoutput, canstoreensemble skip, read, write, detect chemical/x-kcf
keggrp keggrp kegg-rp rp KEGGRP KEGG reaction pair format rp canstorereaction, singlerecord, defaultscope_reaction skip, read, detect chemical/x-kegg-rp
knime knime table KNIME KNIME native binary table interpreted as structure or reaction file table, knime nommap, canstore3d, canstorereaction, binary, fullindex, kekule, nostream, nosequence, dynamicindex, togglebyreopen, canstoreensemble, defaultscope_auto skip, read, write, detect, close, init application/x-knime
lincs lincs lsm LINCS Text file with LINCS IDs, dynamically resolved on input lincs, lsm stringoutput, canstoreensemble skip, read, write, detect, close, init chemical/x-lincs
m3d m3d molecules marts M3D Molecules 3D Molecular Arts/ file m3d, frg nocharge, need3d, canstore3d, singlerecord, cansplitens, stringoutput, canstoreensemble, hydrogenfilter skip, read, write, detect chemical/x-molecules-3d
maestro maestro mae Maestro Schroedinger MAESTRO file mae canstoreensemble skip, read, write, detect chemical/x-schrodinger-maestro
mailbox mailbox Mailbox Wrapper for mailbox files containing structure or reaction attachments mbx, mail canstorereaction, canstoredataset, nosequence, canstoreensemble, canstorenetwork, iswrapper, canstorehierarchy, canstorebiologics skip, read, write, detect application/mailbox (builtin)
mmd mmd mmod macromodel MMD File format of the Macromodel program mmd, mmod need3d, stringoutput, canstoreensemble, hydrogenfilter skip, read, write, detect chemical/x-macromodel-input
molconnz molconnz mcz b Molconn-Z Molconn-Z file b, mcz nocharge, canstoreensemble skip, read, write, detect, close chemical/x-molconn-z
molfile molfile mdl mol sdf sdf2000 v2000 sdf2k v2k sdf2 MDL SD-File Plain MDL Molfile and derivatives (SD-File) mdl, mol, sdf, sd firstblank, canstore3d, canfixdoublespace, stringoutput, canstoreensemble, hydrogenfilter skip, read, write, detect chemical/x-mdl-sdf (builtin)
molgen molgen bayreuth Molgen Native format of the MOLGEN structure generator gen, mg stringoutput, nocoordinates, canstoreensemble, hydrogenfilter skip, read, write, detect chemical/x-molgen
mopacin mopacin mopacinput in dat data mop Mopac/Input Input file for the MOPAC software mop, in, data, dat need3d, canstore3d, singlerecord, stringoutput, canstoreensemble skip, read, write, detect chemical/x-mopac-input
mopacout mopacout mopacoutput oo Mopac/Output Output format of the MOPAC software out, 012 need3d, canstore3d, singlerecord, canstoreensemble skip, read, detect chemical/x-mopac-output
mrv mrv marvin MRV ChemAxon MRV (Marvin Documents) format mrv canstore3d, canstorereaction, markprops, cansplitens, stringoutput, canstoreensemble skip, read, write, detect, close, init chemical/x-marvin-document
mxyz mxyz MXYZ MXYZ format mxyz need3d, canstore3d, canstoreensemble skip, detect chemical/x-mxyz
mysql mysql Mysql MYSQL databases table as virtual structure file, accessed via url like mysql://user:pw@host/db/table MYD, MYI nommap, canstore3d, fullindex, nosequence, dynamicindex, keepindex, noeofcheck, canstoreensemble, storewithoutfp skip, read, write, close, init, setfields, magicname chemical/x-db-mysql
ole ole ole2 msole msole2 xls excel msexcel doc word msword bin OLE MS Windows OLE2 file with embedded structure or reaction data ole, ole2, doc, xls, bin nommap, canstorereaction, binary, singlerecord, fullindex, togglebyreopen, stringoutput, noeofcheck, canstoreensemble, defaultscope_auto, iswrapper skip, read, write, detect, close, init application/oleobject
pcd pcd pcdump PCDump PubChem Minimol dump file pcd multifile, binary, nostream, noeofcheck, canstoreensemble skip, read, write, detect, close, init chemical/x-pubchem-dump
pdb pdb ipdb ent PDB Protein Data Bank file pdb, ipdb, ent nocharge, need3d, stringoutput, canstoreensemble, hydrogenfilter skip, read, write, detect chemical/x-pdb
pdbcode pdbcode pdbc pdbentry pdbe PDBCODE Text file with PDB codes, read with dynamic structure expansion from PDB database pdbcode, pdbc, pdbentry, pdbe nocharge, need3d, canstoreensemble skip, read, detect, close chemical/x-pdbentry
pdbml pdbml pdbxml PDBML Protein Data Bank XML format pdbml, pdbxml nocharge, need3d, stringoutput, canstoreensemble, hydrogenfilter skip, read, write, detect chemical/x-pdbml
pdbqt pdbqt autodock PDBQT File format of the AutoDock program pdbqt singlerecord, stringoutput, canstoreensemble skip, read, write, detect chemical/x-autodock
pdf pdf PDF Image PDF file with embedded structure data pdf nommap, canstorereaction, binary, singlerecord, stringoutput, noeofcheck, canstoreensemble skip, read, write, detect, close, init application/pdf
phar phar pharao Pharao File format of the Silicos PHARAO software phar stringoutput, canstoreensemble skip, read, write, detect chemical/x-silicos-pharao
pic pic pct pict PICT Image Structure rendering in Apple QuickDraw PIC format, potentially with embedded structure data pic, pct, pict nommap, binary, singlerecord, canstoreensemble skip, write, detect image/pict
png png pngimage PNG Image PNG image file, potentially with embededded structure data png nommap, canstorereaction, binary, singlerecord, stringoutput, canstoreensemble, hydrogenfilter skip, read, write, detect, close, init image/png
postscript postscript ps Postscript Image Structure rendering in Adobe PostScript format, potentially with embedded structure data ps canstoreensemble skip, write, detect, close, init application/postscript
pubchem pubchem pcvirtual PubChem PubChem virtual file I/O module <pubchem> fullindex, nosequence, canstoreensemble, suppressmtqueries, directfilequerysupport, 55 skip, read, close, init, find, magicname, scan chemical/x-pubchem
rdf rdf MDL RDF MDL reaction data file rdf firstblank, canstore3d, canstorereaction, defaultscope_reaction, stringoutput, canstoreensemble, hydrogenfilter skip, read, write, detect chemical/x-mdl-rdf (builtin)
rinchi rinchi xinchi reactioninchi rinc rich RInChI Text file with RInChI reaction line notation strings rinchi, rinc, rich canstorereaction, defaultscope_reaction, stringoutput skip, read, write, detect chemical/x-rinchi
rosdal rosdal ROSDAL Beilstein ROSDAL format, incomplete implementation ros stringoutput, canstoreensemble skip, write, detect chemical/x-rosdal
rtf rtf RTF MS Word file with embedded structures rtf nommap, canstorereaction, binary, fullindex, nosequence, stringoutput, noeofcheck, canstoreensemble, defaultscope_auto, hydrogenfilter skip, read, write, detect, close, init text/rtf
rxn rxn rxn2000 rxn2k rxn2 MDL RXN MDL reaction file rxn firstblank, canstore3d, canstorereaction, defaultscope_reaction, stringoutput, hydrogenfilter skip, read, write, detect chemical/x-mdl-rxnfile (builtin)
rxn3000 rxn3000 rxn3k rxn3 RXN3000 V3000 MDL/Symyx reaction file format rxn3, rxn3000, rxn3k canstore3d, canstorereaction, singlerecord, defaultscope_reaction, stringoutput, hydrogenfilter skip, read, write, detect chemical/x-mdl-rxn3000
scf scf SCF SCF file scf nommap, singlerecord, stringoutput, canstoreensemble, hydrogenfilter skip, read, write, detect chemical/x-scf
sddata sddata sdd SD-Data SD pure data file (no CTAB block) sdd canstoreensemble skip, read, write, detect chemical/x-sd-pure-data
sdf3000 sdf3000 sdf3 v3000 sdf3k v3k mol3 mol3k mol3000 SDF3000 V3000 MDL/Symyx structure data file sdf3, sdf3k, sdf3000, mol3, mol3k, mol3000 firstblank, canstore3d, stringoutput, canstoreensemble, hydrogenfilter skip, read, write, detect chemical/x-mdlv3000-sdf
sharc sharc shigo Sharc Sharc/Shigo NMR shift archive format sharc, shigo, shc, shg need3d, canstore3d, canstoreensemble skip, read, write, detect chemical/x-sharc
shelx shelx res SHELX SHELX file res need3d, canstore3d, singlerecord, canstoreensemble skip, read, detect chemical/x-shelx
sid sid SID Text file with PubChem SID identifiers, dynamically resolved on input sid stringoutput, canstoreensemble, supportsinputcache, blobinput skip, read, write, detect, close, init chemical/x-pubchem-sid
sk2 sk2 chemsketch acd SK2 ACD/Labs SK2 file sk2 nommap, canstorereaction, binary, fullindex, noeofcheck, canstoreensemble skip, read, detect, close chemical/x-sk2
skc skc isis symyx isisdraw symyxdraw SKC MDL/Symyx Isis sketch file skc nommap, canstorereaction, binary, singlerecord, stringoutput, canstoreensemble, hydrogenfilter skip, read, write, detect, close, init chemical/x-mdl-isis
sln sln hits SLN Standard Sybyl line notation file sln, hits checkstereo, checkwedges, stringoutput, canstoreensemble skip, read, write, detect chemical/x-sybyl-linenotation
sln+ sln+ slnplus SLN+ Sybyl line notation file with custom extensions sln+ checkstereo, checkwedges, stringoutput, canstoreensemble skip, read, write, detect chemical/x-custom-sybyl-linenotation
smarts smarts sma smt SMARTS Daylight SMARTS file sma, smt stringoutput, nocoordinates, canstoreensemble skip, read, write, detect chemical/x-daylight-smarts
smd4 smd4 SMD4 SMD (Standard Molecular Data) V4.3 file smd, smd4 canstore3d, stringoutput, canstoreensemble, hydrogenfilter skip, read, write, detect chemical/x-smd
smd5 smd5 SMD5 SMD (Standard Molecular Data) file format, version 5.0+, incomplete implementation smd5 canstoreensemble skip, read, write, detect chemical/x-smd5
smiles smiles smi rxnsmiles reactionsmiles SMILES SMILES/SMARTS structure or reaction codes smi canstorereaction, stringoutput, nocoordinates, canstoreensemble skip, read, write, detect, init chemical/x-daylight-smiles (builtin)
smirks smirks sks SMIRKS Daylight SMIRKS file smirks, sks stringoutput, nocoordinates, canstoreensemble skip, read, write, detect chemical/x-daylight-smirks
spc spc udf SPC Galactic UDF/SPC spectra file spc, udf, cgm nommap, binary, singlerecord, canstoreensemble skip, read, detect, init chemical/x-spc
spl spl fda SPL EPA/FDA registration format spl, fda, xml singlerecord, canstoredataset, stringoutput, canstoreensemble, defaultscope_ens skip, read, write, detect, close, init chemical/x-fda-spl
sql sql SQL table load instructions SQL table loader file sql canstorereaction, stringoutput, canstoreensemble, hydrogenfilter write, close, init, setfields application/x-sql
stdinchi stdinchi stdichi stdinc stdich StdInChI Standard InChI file format stdich, stdinchi, stdinc stringoutput, canstoreensemble skip, read, write, detect chemical/x-inchi
stf stf STF STF grid volume file stf nocharge, canstoreensemble skip, read, write, detect chemical/x-stf
svg svg SVG Image Structure rendering in SVG format, potentially with embedded structure information svg nommap, canstorereaction, singlerecord, stringoutput, canstoreensemble skip, read, write, detect image/svg+xml
sybyl sybyl SYBYL SYBYL mol file (Sybyl mol1) syb, mol need3d, canstore3d, canstoreensemble skip, read, write, detect chemical/x-sybyl-molfile
sybyl2 sybyl2 mol2 Sybyl2 Molfile SYBYL mol file (Sybyl mol2) syb2, mol2, sy2, ml2, sm2 need3d, canstore3d, canstoreensemble skip, read, write, detect chemical/x-sybyl2-molfile
tab tab tsv csv txt table Table Separator-controlled text table with a SMILES column as structure souce tab, csv, tsv, txt stringoutput, canstoreensemble, defaultscope_auto skip, read, write, detect chemical/x-table
tar tar tgz TAR TAR meta file module, for accessing files within tar archives without unpacking tar, tgz nommap, canstorereaction, binary, canstoredataset, togglebyreopen, noeofcheck, canstoreensemble, defaultscope_auto, canstorenetwork, iswrapper, canstorehierarchy, canstorebiologics write, detect, close, init application/tar
tdt tdt stg stigmata thor STIGMATA Daylight Stigmata/Thor data tree file stg, tdt canstoreensemble skip, read, write, detect chemical/x-daylight-thor
tex tex latex chemfig TEX Image TEX/LaTEX structure rendering tex, chemfig canstorereaction, stringoutput, canstoreensemble, hydrogenfilter write application/x-tex
tgf tgf TGF MDL/Symyx Isis sketch file, text variant tgf canstorereaction, singlerecord, stringoutput, canstoreensemble, hydrogenfilter skip, read, write, detect, close, init chemical/x-mdl-tgf
tiff tiff tif TIFF TIFF image file, potentially with embededded structure data tiff, tif nommap, binary, singlerecord, canstoreensemble skip, read, detect, close, init image/tiff
tinker tinker Tinker Tinker modelling software data file xyz, arc nocharge, need3d, canstoreensemble skip, read, write, detect chemical/x-tinker
unii unii UNII Text file with FDA UNII identifiers, dynamically resolved on input unii stringoutput, canstoreensemble skip, read, write, detect, close, init chemical/x-fda-unii
usmiles usmiles uniquesmiles USMILES Unique Smiles usmi, usm canstorereaction, stringoutput, nocoordinates, canstoreensemble skip, read, write, init chemical/x-daylight-unique-smiles
vamp vamp vmp VAMP VAMP QM software output file vmp nocharge, need3d, canstore3d, singlerecord, canstoreensemble skip, read, detect chemical/x-vamp
vrml vrml wrl VRML Model VRML 3D structure model file wrl, vrml nommap, need3d, canstore3d, singlerecord, stringoutput, canstoreensemble skip, read, write, detect model/vrml
wln wln WLN Wiswesser line data (framework, not a useful implementation) wln stringoutput, canstoreensemble skip, write, detect chemical/x-wln
wmf wmf wmfimage WMF Image Microsoft Windows WMF rendering, potentially with embedded structure data emf, wmf nommap, canstorereaction, binary, singlerecord, stringoutput, canstoreensemble, defaultscope_auto, hydrogenfilter skip, read, write, detect image/x-wmf
xbsa xbsa bs XBSA XBSA file bs, xbsa need3d, canstore3d, multifile, singlerecord, canstoreensemble skip, read, write, detect chemical/x-xbsa
xdf xdf xdfile xd xml XDF MDL/Symyx XDF format xdf, xml, xd, xdfile canstore3d, canstorereaction, canstoredataset, stringoutput, canstoreensemble skip, read, write, detect, close, init chemical/x-mdl-xdf
xfig xfig fig XFIG XFIG render file fig, xfig nocharge, singlerecord, canstoreensemble skip, write, detect application/xfig
xtel xtel xtelplot XtelPlot File format of the Xtelplot software xtel, xte need3d, canstore3d, canstoreensemble skip, read, write, detect chemical/x-xtel
xyz xyz XYZ File format of the Xmol program xyz nocharge, need3d, singlerecord, canstoreensemble, hydrogenfilter skip, read, write, detect chemical/x-xyz
xyzr xyzr XYZR XYZR file, as used by the msms program (XYZ with extra atom radii column) xyzr nocharge, need3d, canstore3d, singlerecord, canstoreensemble, hydrogenfilter skip, read, write, detect chemical/x-xyzr
zip zip docx Zip ZIP meta file handler module, for accessing files in ZIP archives without unpacking zip, docx nommap, canstorereaction, binary, canstoredataset, nosequence, stringoutput, canstoreensemble, defaultscope_auto, canstorenetwork, iswrapper, canstorehierarchy, canstorebiologics skip, read, write, detect, close, init application/zip

Generated Thu Oct 06 19:46:04 CEST 2022 for toolkit version